Estimated Quarterly Taxes 101 diy tax Sep 04, 2022

One of the biggest mistakes small business owners make is failing to prepare for tax time. Taxes can feel overwhelming and confusing, but it doesn’t have to be that way! Instead of being...

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Set Your Prices, Easily pricing Oct 04, 2021

Let’s talk about pricing. It’s an important conversation.


Your prices have an impact on more than just your profits. In addition to playing an important role in your bottom...

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3 Tax Reporting Requirements a Nonprofit Must Remember nonprofit tax Aug 30, 2021

Most nonprofit organizations are classified as exempt from tax. However, this doesn’t mean an organization doesn’t have any tax reporting responsibilities. Nonprofit organizations need...

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Know your numbers - Grow your business May 12, 2021

The finances of your business are important, and not just so you can file your income tax return. Simply put, the numbers tell the story of your business. Paying attention to the numbers can be the...

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